The Witch Of Blackbird Pond Answers

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  • [FREE] The Witch Of Blackbird Pond Answers

    Describe William's "call" on Kit. Why was the fact that William had started building his house significant? Page 3: Chapters 1. Describe Kit's fellings about the meadows. Identify Hannah Tupper. What job was Kit offered? What happened to Mercy's...
  • [DOWNLOAD] The Witch Of Blackbird Pond Answers | new!

    Why did Kit go to see Mr. Who was Hannah's seafaring friend? Page 4: Chapters 2. Why didn't Prudence go to school? How did Kit teach Prudence to read? Update 2: I asked you not to answer if youi were going to say that!!!! What secret did Kit...
  • The Witch Of Blackbird Pond Summary And Analysis By Chapter

    This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. January Learn how and when to remove this template message In April , year-old Katherine Tyler known throughout the story as Kit Tyler leaves her home in Barbados after her grandfather dies and a year-old man tries to marry her. As she travels on the ship Dolphin, a brief stop is made in Old Saybrook, Connecticut , a small town just down the river from Wethersfield, where four new passengers board. As the small rowboat returns to the ship, a small girl named Prudence accidentally drops her doll in the water and begs her mother to get it back for her. Her mother, Goodwife Cruff, harshly strikes Prudence and tells her not to be foolish. Impulsively, Kit jumps into the water and retrieves the doll. She nearly freezes in the frigid water; she is accustomed to the pleasantly warm water in Barbados. When she returns to the rowboat, she is met with astonished suspicion, as few people in Connecticut could swim so well.
  • (CK) Witch Ch 1-3

    Goodwife Cruff is the most cynical of them all, believing Kit is a witch, commenting, "No respectable woman could stay afloat like that. After the Dolphin arrives at Wethersfield, Kit admits to the captain of the ship that neither her aunt nor uncle knows she is coming. She says that they would welcome her because she is family. When she arrives in Wethersfield, Kit finds Wethersfield very different from Barbados. At her previous home, Kit's family owned slaves, but here she is expected to work along with the rest of the family. Her cousin Mercy has a lame leg and is on crutches. Kit is required to attend church meeting services twice each Sunday, which she finds long and dull. She meets the rich, year-old William Ashby, who begins courting her, though she does not care for him. Originally, her cousin Judith had hoped to marry William, but she focuses on John Holbrook, a divinity student studying with Reverend Bulkeley.
  • The Witch Of Blackbird Pond Chapter 3

    Kit's life improves when she and Mercy begin teaching young children of Wethersfield who are preparing for traditional school. Everything proceeds well until one day, bored with the normal lessons, Kit decides the children will reenact a passage of the Bible : the parable of the Good Samaritan. The head of the school, Mr. Eleazer Kimberly , enters the house just as things get out of hand. He is outraged at Kit for having the audacity to act out something from the Bible and shuts down the school. Heartbroken, Kit flees to the meadows where she meets and befriends the kind, elderly Hannah Tupper, who was outlawed from the Massachusetts colony because she is a Quaker and does not attend church meetings, as well as being suspected of being a witch. As fellow outcasts, Kit and Hannah develop a deep bond, and even after her uncle forbids Kit to continue the friendship, Kit keeps visiting Hannah.
  • What Grade Level Is The Witch Of Blackbird Pond?

    During one of her visits, she again meets the handsome Nathaniel Nat Eaton, son of the captain of the Dolphin. Without realizing it, she falls in love with him, and though he doesn't say so, Nat reciprocates. Unfortunately, Nat is banished from Wethersfield after setting lit jack-o-lanterns in the windows of William Ashby's unfinished home. Nat is threatened with 30 lashes if he returns to Wethersfield. Kit also begins secretly teaching Prudence to read and write; Goodwife Cruff claims the child is a half-wit and " stupid " and refuses to allow her to attend the dame school. She claims the child is too "old" to learn. When a deadly illness sweeps through Wethersfield, a mob gathers to kill Hannah by burning her house. Kit rushes to warn Hannah, and the two women escape to the river just as the Dolphin appears from the early morning mist. Kit flags it down, and she explains to Nat the events of the night.
  • The Witch Of Blackbird Pond Short Answer Test - Answer Key

    Hannah refuses to leave without her cat, so Nat courageously dashes ashore, risking trouble with the town council for returning to Wethersfield. After taking Hannah aboard, Nat then invites Kit to come with them. She refuses, explaining how Mercy is gravely ill, though Nat believes Kit fears risking her engagement to William Ashby. After the Dolphin sails away, Kit returns home to find that Mercy's fever has broken. In the middle of the same night, the townspeople come for Kit; Goodwife Cruff's husband has accused Kit of being a witch. The next day, after a freezing night in the sheriff's shed, she is asked to explain the presence of her hornbook in Hannah's house and a copybook with Prudence's name written throughout, as the townspeople fear that she and Hannah had been casting a spell over the girl.
  • The Witch Of Blackbird Pond Questions?

    Kit refuses to explain that it is Prudence herself who wrote her name in the book, as she does not wish cause Prudence trouble with her parents. Just as the case seems to be decided and Kit is guilty, Nat appears with Prudence, who testifies that she herself wrote her name in the copybook. To demonstrate her literacy, Prudence reads a Bible passage and writes her name, thus convincing her father both that she is intelligent and that no witchcraft could be involved, as the devil would be foolish to allow a child to be taught to use the Bible against himself. While Nat is initially in trouble for returning and evades capture, Matthew Wood intervenes on his behalf so that his sentence is remitted because Nat came back to see justice done, not to cause further mayhem.
  • Practice Test For "The Witch Of Blackbird Pond": Answers Provided

    However, John returns and reveals he loved Mercy, not Judith all along. Kit decides to return to Barbados. However, she finally realizes that she is truly in love with Nat, and she waits for him to return. Nat returns to Wethersfield with a surprise: he has a new boat, and is also captain. The boat is called the Witch, named after Kit. Kit asks to come on board the Witch but Nat says no, not until he gets Uncle Matthew's permission to get married, and they leave to visit Uncle Matthew. Characters[ edit ] Katherine Tyler: Better known as "Kit," she is the protagonist, an independent, rebellious, and kind girl from rich family in Barbados who lived with her grandfather before he died and struggles to find a new identity in Wethersfield as she lives with her Puritan aunt, Rachel, in the colony she is also thought of to be a witch. Sir Francis Tyler: Kit's grandfather deceased. Hannah Tupper: A Quaker and outcast who is often rumored to be a witch, very mysterious.
  • "The Witch Of Blackbird Pond"?

    Nathaniel Eaton: Called "Nat" by most. He is Captain Eaton's son, and also Kit Tyler's true love and eventual husband. Rachel Wood: Kit's gentle aunt, the timid wife of Matthew Wood. Matthew Wood: Kit's strict Anti-Royalist uncle, an independent man. He is the husband of Rachel Wood and is not fond of Kit. Mercy Wood: Kit's compassionate and patient cousin, sister of Judith, daughter of Matthew and Rachel Wood, requires crutches as a mobility aid.
  • The Witch Of Blackbird Pond Glossary

    Marries John Holbrook. Marries William Ashby. William Ashby: Kit's rich suitor, ends up marrying Judith. John Holbrook: Student of Dr. Gershom Bulkeley, who teaches him about theology, religion, and medicine, who is absorbed in learning, considers his teacher the highest of them all, and often doesn't think for himself. Ends up marrying Mercy. Gershom Bulkeley : Royalist minister historical figure [2] , teacher of John Holbrook. Goodwife Cruff: Narrow-minded local woman who accuses Kit of being a witch. Mother of Prudence Cruff. Prudence Cruff: Cruff's young, mistreated daughter who befriends Kit. Captain Eaton: Captain of the Dolphin and Nat's father. Mistress Eaton: Captain Eaton's wife. Eleazer Kimberly : Puritan schoolmaster historical figure [2]. Captain Samuel Talcott : Magistrate historical figure [2]. Allusions to local geography[ edit ] Many places in the novel are actual locations in Old Wethersfield , Connecticut.
  • The Witch Of Blackbird Pond: Cold-read Task Answer Key

    My students and their parents have really enjoyed this book the two years we have done it. The book is set in Puritan times during the era of the Salem witch hunts. Kit, the main character, befriends Hannah, an elderly Quaker widow who is accused of witchcraft. I have included it below. The questions are not all mere recall because I want my students to think about the deeper themes and issues in the book, as well as the excellent descriptive language that the author employs. We finished this book in four or five weeks, with discussion in class on Mondays, and reading a chapter or two each day from Tuesday to Friday. Please note that these questions do not cover everything in the chapters.
  • The Witch Of Blackbird Pond Worksheets And Literature Unit

    I let them choose about four questions per day to answer. Sometimes I combine two chapters in one daily assignment, as you will note. Why was everyone so surprised that Kit could swim? Compare Kit and Nat. How are they similar and different? How do you think this chapter sets up the plot for the rest of the story? What is John Holbrook like? How do you think it will be different here? What is your favorite descriptive sentence in this chapter? If she had e-mail, do you think she would have written or not? How did Uncle Matthew react when he found out Kit had come to stay? Compare the personalities of Judith and Mercy as seen in these two chapters. Chapter 5 How does the author show us in word pictures what Judith feels about Kit? What were the pillory, whipping post, and stocks used for? What were Sabbath houses? Why were they necessary? Describe the church service. Is his use of Scripture effective here? How does Mercy show that she is a peacemaker throughout these chapters?
  • Witch Blackbird Pond

    Give as many examples as possible. Why does Kit learn how to knit? What is her attitude toward her other chores? Chapter 8 How does Kit respond to the Great Meadows? Does any place make you feel the same way? Describe Hannah Tupper. What is a dame school? Write it down as accurately as you can. Check how you did, and make corrections. Chapter 9 You get choices this time! Draw a picture of a child with a hornbook. Make up a rhyme for your own name just like Kit did for her students. Tell what happened when Kit let the children act out the story of the Good Samaritan. How do you think that Mr. Kimberley should have responded? Now, tell what more you have learned about her. How has your own first impression of someone you have met changed after you have gotten to know them better? What does this teach Kit? Many of the people of Wethersfield have a negative opinion of Hannah, who is actually good and kind.
  • Found 5183 Results For: Renaissance Place Book Answers

    Why or why not? Have you ever been prejudiced about someone and then found out that they were different from what you thought? How does the author show that Judith is in love with John, after she says it in plain words? Find, copy, and label four different kinds of sentences from this chapter: a statement, a question, an exclamation and a command. How did each group get its name? She knew she looked stubborn and ungrateful, and she felt so.
  • Witch Of Blackbird Pond, The - Study Guide

    The hard little knot had kinked up inside her tighter than ever. Coming home through the meadow everything had seemed so simple, and here it was all tangled again. Chapter 11 There are three scenes or settings for this chapter. What are they? What is the main thing that happens in each one? What is your favorite book that someone has read aloud to you? Why did you like it? What discovery does Kit make at the end of chapter 11? Why do you think it makes sense? Find out more about her. See if you can memorize the poem or copy it down decoratively and illustrate it. Chapter 12 What chores needed to be done at harvest time? How did this affect Kit? What do Kit and Nat do for Hannah? Have you ever helped an older person like a neighbor or relative by doing something like this?
  • The Witch Of Blackbird Pond Novel! Trivia Quiz

    Alliteration is when two or more words close to each other start with the same sound. What can they smell, feel, see, hear and taste? What do they mean? If you were compared to a kind of bird, which one would it be? If he had lived a nearly a hundred years later, what side would he have fought for in the War for Independence? What is King James most known for now? Chapter 13 What was a husking bee? What is the significance of a red ear of corn? Why does he think this way? How does John Holbrook treat Kit in their conversation? What is one word from this chapter that describes their relationship? Why does John come to visit the Wood home just before the husking bee? What happens? Find out more about herbal remedies. Which ones are still used today? Chapter 14 In the opening paragraphs of this chapter, Kit observes the change of the seasons.
  • The Witch Of Blackbird Pond | Literature Quiz - Quizizz

    How does this affect her? How does the author use sensory detail, such as sight, sound, touch, and smell? Kit sees her uncle with a handful of dirt. How does her opinion change? Why was Kit so interested in seeing the Dolphin? Chapter 15 The chapter openings with a meeting of men talking about politics. Why was the mood so tense? What does Matthew advise that the men NOT do about their situation?
  • The Witch Of Blackbird Pond Summary And Analysis By Chapter - BrightHub Education

    What does he say to his wife when they leave? How do the townspeople react to the arrival of Governor Andros? What does Kit feel about him? What does he say about the future? Who did it, and why did they single out William as their target? Describe the scene at the stocks. What would you do if one of your friends was sent to jail? Why is Kit jealous when she found out that Nat had often visited Hannah? How has Prudence changed since the beginning of the book?
  • Depth And Complexity Questions For The Witch Of Blackbird Pond

    After the death of her grandfather, year-old Kit leaves her rich Caribbean home to live in America with her Puritan aunt and uncle in Connecticut. Kit's Uncle Matthew is a strict man, and he expects her to work hard if she is to be part of his household. Kit is willing to work, though she is unused to manual labor and unskilled at the many tasks she is given to do. Then Kit discovers the Meadows, the great level sea of green grasses that remind her of her home in Barbados. Kit finds refuge in the Meadows and at the home of Hannah Tupper, a kindly old woman living near Blackbird Pond on the edge of the Meadows.
  • Essay Questions

    Hannah is a Quaker, considered by many of the townspeople to be a heretic because she won't attend their church, and who some therefore suspect of being a witch. Though she is forbidden to visit Hannah, Kit cannot stay away. She finds that she needs Hannah's comforting friendship just as much as Hannah, living alone in a tiny ramshackle house, needs her help. Hoping to keep her relationship with the old woman a secret, Kit continues to work at being a contributing part of the family and community. When an illness sweeps through the community, the townspeople blame Hannah, calling her a witch, for bringing disease and death to their town.
  • Is There Sequel To The Witch Of Blackbird Pond? - Answers

    Risking everything to save Hannah from a violent mob, Kit's relationship with the old woman is revealed, and Kit finds herself standing trial before the community on the charge of witchcraft. Background Information: Puritanism and New England colonies. Vocabulary words used throughout the novel, utilizing a variety of activities to stimulate retention and growth. Literary Techniques: Antonym, synonym, simile, metaphor, characterization, foreshadow, in context, allusion, metaphor, conflict, climax, resolution, theme. Moral Lessons and Character Values: Self-control, hospitality, care for needy, authority, peace, pride, justice, good vs. Suggestions for Further Reading: We include a wonderful reading list of more books by the same author s and other books that tie in with, or are similar to, The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare. All of the unit lessons are written from a Christian worldview!
  • "The Witch Of Blackbird Pond" (Chapters ) Quiz - Quizizz

    With the interactive feature, students have the capability of entering their answers directly on the computer and saving their work in progress. Or choose to conveniently print what you need, when you need it: Print the whole guide at once Print single lessons or pages as the student completes them Print multiple copies of the entire guide for classroom sets Easy to use with multiple students Complete separate answer key file included for the teacher! Additional Information.
  • The Witch Of Blackbird Pond Chapter Comprehension

    Aunt Rachel, whom Kit first assumes is a servant ouch! The older woman is shocked. Aunt Rachel is thrilled and invites Kit inside. The seamen drop the bags and head back down the road. Not before a little more sparring with Nat, though. Rachel calls the family to meet their new guest. Judith is as beautiful as Aunt Rachel was reported to be in her youth; Mercy has extraordinary gray eyes, though Kit notices that she is also lame and must use crutches. Kit offers Judith a pair of her gloves, at which suggestion Judith narrows her eyes. Everyone sits down to breakfast and Kit catches up with Aunt Rachel. Also, the aristocratic Kit is a little shocked that they are drinking water with breakfast. Kit said she thought they might not let her come. Once all of the debts were cleared, there was no home left, really. Aunt Rachel says Kit was right to come to them and Uncle Matthew grudgingly agrees. Uncle Matthew is silent. Not a good sign.
  • Chapters 16–21

    Though Kit entertains thoughts of marrying William Ashby, Nat is the novel's best love match for Kit. Nat and Kit have similar values. Both befriend Hannah Tupper when they find themselves crying their eyes out in the meadow. The difference being, of course, that Nat was only eight years old. What is the setting of The Witch of Blackbird Pond? While none of the action takes place in Barbados, the 17th-century British colony is an important location in The Witch of Blackbird Pond. Barbados was the home of Kit and her aristocratic grandfather before her trip to Connecticut; the island very much influenced Kit's upbringing. Kit goes through an amazing amount of transformation over the course of The Witch of Blackbird Pond. When readers are first introduced to Kit, she is a bit self-centered and entitled. Neither of those traits are very endearing, but those traits make sense because Kit has been living an aristocratic life in Barbados.
  • What Is The Climax Of The Witch Of Blackbird Pond? - Answers

    Who is the publisher of The Witch of Blackbird Pond? John Holbrook is the son of a tanner who taught himself Latin by candlelight. Unable to afford tuition at college, he has traveled to Wethersfield to study with the Dr. Reverend Bulkeley. He arrives in Wethersfield at the same time as Kit. She's compassionate, but she also seems to fully accept the fact of slavery as a part of her privileged plantation life. Similar Asks.
  • Order The Witch Of Blackbird Pond, ISBN: | HMH

    You have remained in right site to start getting this info. The Question and Answer section for The Witch of Blackbird Pond is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. The Witch of Blackbird Pond Summary. Multiple teachers may not reproduce pages from the same study guide. However, the island settlements were quite dif-ferent from the settlements to the north. Poem of the Masses Pangloss Wisdom. By Elizabeth George Speare. Additional Information Recommended Grade Level: Workbook ISBN: Reading witch of blackbird pond study guide answers is a good habit; you can build this infatuation to be such fascinating way. Complete separate answer key file included for the teacher! Their brochure states "Our goal is to teach students of all ages to examine what they read, Christian or secular, classic or contemporary, and value the truth it contains as measured against the Bible.
  • Where Is Foreshadowing In The Witch Of Blackbird Pond? - Answers

    Try to answer on your own first for the best results! In The Witch of Blackbird Pond, Speare creates strong and memorable fictional characters who interact with actual historical personages. As you may know, people have look hundreds times for their chosen books like this witch blackbird pond study guide, but end up in harmful downloads. Names How did you do? The Witch of Blackbird Pond:. Some went to the islands of the Caribbean Sea, found south of what is now Florida.
  • Practice Test For "The Witch Of Blackbird Pond": Answers Provided - BrightHub Education

    Purchase of this study guide entitles an individual teacher to reproduce pages for use in the classroom or home. These early island settlers shared goals similar to the New England settlers. Her unexpected arrival sets the stage for conflict between the free-spirited Kit and the Puritan community--especially when she befriends the old widow who lives beside Blackbird Pond. Distressing goings-on or as tiring activity pet publications created by the Louisiana Department of Education partnership! Self development and Wilder Medal of this Study Guide is stuffed with the juicy details and important facts need! Any favourite activity realistically portrays life in Puritan New England in the s the First for the novel, utilizing a variety of activities to stimulate retention and growth Study! Rachel Wood, her only remaining family Grades Reproducible pages past has Variety of activities to stimulate retention and growth by eNotes editorial helped you review the book quite from.

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