The Road Not Taken Answers

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  • [GET] The Road Not Taken Answers | updated!

    Otherwise, both roads were equally covered with uncrushed leaves as if no person had stepped on them. What do you think the last two lines of the poem mean? Looking back, does the poet regret his choice or accept it? Answer: The last two lines of...
  • [FREE] The Road Not Taken Answers | free!

    Answer: The poet was standing before the two roads. He had to decide which one would lead him to success. It was not easy for him to decide. So he stood there and introspected. Out the two options, he had to choose the one. Of course, it was not an...
  • NCERT Solutions For Class 9 English Poem Chapter 1 The Road Not Taken

    One should behave responsibly because life does not offer multiple chances every now and then. Question 7. Did the poet make the right choice? Answer: It is not easy to say whether the poet made the right choice or not. It is possible that he may repent for making such a choice. He avoided the popular and off-beaten path of life. He dared to choose the path which was less frequented used by the people. This bold decision might bring all the difference in his life. Question 8. Answer: The poet had to choose one of the two roads. He left the one which was a popular choice. It invited the people to walk on it. Question 9. Describe the conditions of both the roads that lay open before the poet on that morning.
  • NCERT Solutions For Class 9 English Poem - The Road Not Taken

    Answer: In the yellow autumnal wood, two roads diverged into two directions. Both of them were covered with the fallen leaves. In the morning, both of them were still untouched. The steps of travellers have not blackened them. One was frequently used by the travellers. The other one was not a popular choice. It seemed to invite people to walk on it. Question Was the poet certain to come back on the road he had left for another day? Answer: Life and its ways are complex and confusing. One roads leads to another. In this web, one has to make a choice. The poet left the one road and hope that he would use it on another day. But he was quite doubtful. It often happens that the road that is left once, is left forever. Rarely do we come on to that road again. How does the outcome of our life depends on the choice we make to reach our destinations?
  • Chapter 7: The Road Not Taken – NCERT Solution

    Answer: Life is full of complexities. It provides us with different choices and options. The choice is never easy. Our success or failure depends on the choice that we make. Mostly people choose the most popular or frequented paths of life. But some bold and adventurous people take risks and choose the less frequented paths and ways of life. Answer: In this poem, the poet comes to a fork in the road where it is diversified into paths, and he must decide which path to follow.
  • The Road Not Taken Quiz

    The woods in this poem symbolize the difficulty of seeing into the future. The poet must make a choice based on limited information, since much of what he might like to see is not clear. The poet will have to rely on faith and intuition as he makes his choice, as we often must do in life. Life is like a maze. According to the poem, how does the poet feel about his or her decision in the end? Answer: The speaker of this poem is Robert Frost himself. He is thinking about a career decision he made many years ago. He had to make a choice between seeking a secure profession which would enable him to live in comfort or to devote him to poetry and live a simple life close to nature. Frost chose to devote his life to his poetry. The poet does not appear to regret the choice he made, but he sounds wistful in the last as if he wishes he knew what his alternate life would have been like if he had taken the other road.
  • CBSE Class 9 English The Road Not Taken Assignment

    Life and its ways never woven in a straight line. Life provides many options. The web of life consists of many paths and sub-ways. Naturally, these complexities of life confuse a person. Out of many options and alternatives, he has to make a choice. Only a judicious choice make us reach our destination. Most of people choose the least risky and off-tradden ways of life. Only a few persons like the poet dare to chose a different path of like. They are bold enough to face risks and challenges in life. One has to make a choice. His success or failure in life depends on his choice. The poet chose a different path. Popular fame and fortune are sacrificed in favour of art, literature and poetry. Nobody knows what he would have gained had he followed the least risky and safe path of life. How does one way lead on to another?
  • The Road Not Taken – Important Questions

    The choices shape the future of the people by making them successful or unsuccessful. The choice which we make in life cannot be changed later. So, we must be careful while choosing things. The poet says that during an autumn season he was going through a forest where the road was separated into two different paths. But the poet felt sorry as being one traveller he could not travel both the roads at the same time.
  • Class 9 English Beehive The Road Not Taken (Poem)

    The poet stood there for a long time pondering over that he had to choose only one road. He looked down on one up to the point where it bent under the bushes. The poet chooses the other road which was fair and beautiful because of green grass. This was the road which was less travelled by the people and, therefore, the poet opted for this one. The poet thought that his choice was good. But later he finds out that both the roads had been worn out equally as that morning both the roads were covered with leaves which were not bruised as no traveller had stepped over them.
  • The Road Not Taken Class 9 MCQ Questions With Answers English Poem 1

    The poet decides to keep the first road for another day though there was little chance of his returning back as every road leads to a new road. In the end, the poet says that after a long period of time in future he will be deeply in thoughts about the choice he had made in his life. He will be thinking with a sigh and will be recalling what choice he had made and how this choice had made all the difference in his life.
  • The Road Not Taken-Important Extra Questions Long Answer Type

    Robert Frost had once said that this poem is very tricky. Where does the traveller find himself? What problem does he face? Answer: The traveller finds himself at a place where he sees a road diverging into two paths in front of him. He faces the problem of choosing the road which can lead him to his destiny. He is not sure which way he shall choose to proceed on. What is the difference between the two roads described in stanzas two and three? Answer: The difference between the two roads is that one road is less travelled and full of challenges while the other is beaten track without any difficulty.
  • The Road Not Taken Stanza 1

    Which road does the poet choose? Does he regret his decision? Answer: The poet chooses the road which is less used by people. It is full of challenges and, therefore, more inviting for the poet because he is adventurous by nature. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? Answer: The rhyme scheme of the poem is abaab. Explain the following phrases: a a yellow wood. Answer: It means a type of forest; the trees of which has yellow leaves turned due to the autumn season.
  • Following "The Road Not Taken"

    Answer: It means turned black by heavy stepping over them. What is s a metaphor and which metaphor has been used for choices we make in life? Answer: Metaphor is a figure of speech in which comparison is made between two unlike things indirectly, categorizing them as identical. In other words, it is a literary device which makes an implied or hidden or indirect comparison between two objects or things that are different but have something common. Examples: 1. A scholar fond of the world is a donkey loaded with books. His mind is an ocean. He is a tiger. Read the poem carefully, then describe the two roads and explain whether or not they are very different from one another. The roads are not very different from one another. Was the speaker at all interested in taking the road he did not end up choosing? Answers may vary. Example: The speaker will sigh because he was forced by circumstance to choose one road over another; he regrets it now and will always regret not being able to take both.
  • The Road Not Taken Important Questions And Answers Class 9 English Poem

    The poem often misread as inspirational verse, is about the fact that each choice made entails leaving another choice behind. He may wonder what difference the road not taken would have made in his life had he chosen it instead. How would you describe the tone of this poem? Example: The tone is one of resignation and an awareness of the possibility of regret.
  • NCERT Solutions For Class 9th: The Road Not Taken (Poem) English

    It tells about a man who comes to a fork in the road he is travelling upon. He feels sorry that he cannot travel both paths as he must choose one. As he thinks about his decision he looks down one path as far as he can see trying to foresee what life will be like if he walks that path. He then gazes at the other trail and decides the outcome of going down that path would be just aspleasant. At this point he concludes that the trail that has been less travelled on would be more rewardingwhen he reaches the end of it. Roads are fascinating as metaphors for life, change, journeys, partings, adventure, etc. This is probably why they, and all their attendant images, have permeated art, literature and song. In the poem, Frost uses the fork in the road as a metaphor for the choices we make in life. Thus the roads are, in fact, two alternative ways of life.
  • The Road Not Taken

    Answer: Leaves no step had trodden black: When leaves are crushed under feet, they turn black. The poet finds fresh leaves on the road. These were not turned black as nobody had crushed them. It implies that the road was not taken by many travellers. Question 2. Answer: How way leads on the way: It implies that once we choose a path, it leads us to our destination. As one moves, one road leads to another and life goes on. It is difficult to come back to the point of beginning. Question 3. There are so many options before us but we are faced with the problem of right choice. Question 4. Both led to his destination. He had to make a choice between the two. Question 5. Which of the two roads did the poet choose and why? Answer: The poet had to choose one road out of the two similar-looking roads. He chose the second road which was not taken yet.
  • The Road Not Taken Extra Questions And Answers Class 9 English Beehive

    He wanted to do something different, so he chose the less travelled road. Question 6. Why did he feel sorry? Why did he look down? Answer: The poet was in the forest. He had to choose one of the two roads that diverged in a small forest. He felt sorry because he could not take both the roads. He looked at one road as far as he could see up to the point where the road was bent.
  • The Road Not Taken Quiz - MCQ Questions And Answers - English Quiz

    Question 7. Why did the poet choose it? Answer: The road was grassy and wanted wear because it was not taken by many people. It was new for the poet. He made a choice which was more challenging. Question 8. Answer: The poet had to make a choice between two roads, he could take only one road at a time. He chose the second one and decided to take the first one some other day. But he doubted whether he would be able to come back, and take the first one because one road leads to another. Question 9. I kept the first for another day! Answer: The poet decided to take the road which was less trodden. He thought that the first road would be taken up some other day. So he kept the first for another day. Question Answer: The poet had to make a choice between two roads. He took the one that was less travelled by.
  • The Road Not Taken Poem By Robert Frost Quiz!

    In other words he chose a more difficult path to life. His choice of the less travelled path made all the difference in his life. What do the two roads stand for? Answer: The two roads in the poem stand for two opportunities. They also signify the crisis of choice. Out of many options, we have to choose the right one. Where did the two roads diverge? What was the difficulty? Answer: The two roads diverged into a dark wood. There was a difficulty of right choice. There were two roads leading to one destination. The author was not able to decide which road he should take to reach his destination.
  • The Road Not Taken Poem Summary And Analysis | LitCharts

    Do you think the poet was sure of coming back to that road some day? Answer: The poet was not sure of his coming back to that road some day. Do you think the poet is happy with his choice? Answer: No, the poet is not happy with his choice. He thought that his life could be different or perhaps better if he had taken the first road. However, just to be different, he decided to take risk. The wood was looking yellowish because of yellow leaves of the trees. Answer: b The poet felt sorry as he could ………… Answer: not travel on both the roads.
  • NCERT Solutions For Class 9 English Chapter 1 (Poem) The Road Not Taken - Free PDF Download

    The top academicians strive hard to devise better ideas to help Class 9 students and offer them detailed solutions. It gives a comprehensive view of the prescribed topics. Moreover, students can understand the solutions because these are well-designed to provide a step-by-step explanation. In the poem, the road symbolises the life of humans. The students will get to know the path which people choose to decide their future or destination. Beehive Class 9 The Road Not Taken tells that if humans make the right choice, it can make a good future, but if people go with the wrong choice, they cannot go back on it. The first stanza of the poem dictates that the poet has to choose between two roads. One was yellow wood, which means a forest with leaves that have turned yellow. This road represents the world full of expectations and hope.
  • -1062013 Bagrut Module D Answers To The Road Not Taken

    Students can match their answers with solutions provided by experts. It helps students to understand the writing pattern and structure of attempting an exam to secure a good percentage. Poem The Road Not Taken tells that whatever path or option people choose, there are always some advantages, challenges and problems. No one can ignore challenges; people must face them. Because no one gets a chance to go back in the past and take the other option, it makes a good sense to keep focusing on future goals. Chapter The Road Not Taken delivers a strong message for all the students, that is; the choice people made, make people what they became of it. Beehive poem The Road Not Taken tells that when people walk on a path, they come from different options and make further choices.
  • The Road Not Taken Class 9 MCQ Questions With Answers English Poem 1 – Learn Cram

    It means that people should be wise and careful while making decisions out of the choices. Students can get comprehensive knowledge after going through a pattern of attempting questions. Some of the benefits of referring to NCERT Solutions include: Answers are written in straightforward language to save time as well as the efforts of students for exam preparation.
  • The Road Not Taken Poem By Robert Frost Quiz! - ProProfs Quiz

    Practising these questions help students clear their doubts efficiently. It will enhance their confidence level in attempting the board exam. Every major step is taken into consideration by expert teachers so that students get updated and well-formatted answers.
  • The Road Not Taken Stanza 1 | Shmoop

    Where does the traveller find himself? What problem does he face? Answer The traveller finds himself in the yellow woods at a point where the road forks into two. The problem that he faces is that he cannot decide which road to take to continue his journey since it is not possible for him to travel both roads at the same time. Discuss what these phrases mean to you. Autumn corresponds with old age. The poet could be symbolically talking about the later stages of life.
  • The Road Not Taken | Printable Robert Frost Reading Activity

    It was a smooth road which had not worn out. Is there any difference between the two roads as the poet describes them i in stanzas two and three? Answer i In stanza two the poet explains that the only difference between the two roads was that the road he took had the right to be chosen the better claim because it was covered with grass and looked as if it had not been used too much. Besides this difference, both roads had been equally worn down by passersby travelling on them. In stanza three the poet says that both the roads were equally covered with leaves and that no person had stepped on. What do you think the last two lines of the poem mean?

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