Chapter 5 Physics Answers

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    Then they help the students' to solve mathematical calculations. Lastly, they work on the most important questions and concepts according to them, by following CBSE guidelines. All of these three concepts help the students to prepare the topic in...
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  • AQA A2 Physics A Chapter 5 Textbook Answers

    Answer: End — on — position: The point where the intensry of the magnetic field is to be found, is on the magnetic axis, then this point is called end — on — position. Let NS be a bar magnet of pole strength m and effective length 2l. Consider a point P on its axis at a distance d from the centre of the magnet O. Magnetic field at P has to be found out. Again, if the magnet is small i. Question 3. What is broad — side — on position or equatorial position? Derive an expression for the intensity at a point on broad — side — on position of a bar magnet. What will be the direction of resultant field? Or Determine the force on a unit north pole, kept on the broad-side-on position of a small bar magnet.
  • MYP Physics 4&5 Answers

    Answer: Broad — side — on position: When the point where the intensity of the magnetic field has to be found lies on the perpendicularbisector of magnetic axis, i. Magnetic field is the force experienced by unit north pole placed at that point. Consider a point P at a distance d from the centre O of a magnet on its neutral axis. Let unit north pole be placed at P. The resultant field is therefore Question 4. What are magnetic lines of force? Write down its properties. Answer: Magnetic lines of force : 1st definition: The magnetic lines of force are the curves in the magnetic field, on which if a unit north pole is placed, then it will follow the imaginary curve drawn. Outside the magnet the direction is from north to south and inside the magnet the direction is from south to north.
  • NCERT Solutions For Class 9th, 10th, 11th And 12th

    The tangent drawn at any point on the curve gives the direction of the resultant field at that point. They do not intersect each other. If two lines of force intersect at a point, then there would be two tangents at that point hence, the resultant force would have two directions; which is not possible, therefore the lines of force do not intersect. They are dense near the poles where the magnetic field is strong and get separated where the magnetic field is weak. They repel each other in the direction, perpendicular to it, therefore the like poles repel each other. They experience tension along the lines of force therefore, unlike poles attract each other. They behave just like a stretched elastic string. Question 5. Derive an expression for the torque acting on a bar magnet placed in a uniform magnetic field, making angle 0with the field and hence define magnetic moments with its help.
  • Physics VSQs For Class 11 With Answers Chapter 5 Laws Of Motion

    Suppose m be the pole strength and 2l be the effective length, Force acting on each pole will be mB. On the N — pole this force will be along the direction of field, whereas on S — pole this will be opposite to the direction of field. As two equal and opposite forces are acting on it along different line of action, hence a couple acts on it which tries to bring the magnet along the direction of magnetic field. Restoring torque is defined as the product of magnitude of any one of the forces and the perpendicular distance between them. Question 6. Compare to a bar magnet and a current — carrying solenoid. Answer: Comparison of a bar magnet and a solenoid : Bar magnet: When it is suspended freely it rests in the direction of N — S. It has two poles. Like poles of magnet repel and unlike poles attract. Solenoid: It also attracts magnetic substances. It also rests in N — S direction if suspended freely. It has also two poles. Like poles of solenoid also repel and unlike poles attract.
  • Chapter 5 - Reading Check Questions (Comprehension) - Page 85-86: 1

    Question 7. Explain how does an atom behave as a magnetic dipole. Derive an expression for the magnetic dipole moment of the atom. Also define Bohr magneton. Or Deduce the expression for the magnetic dipole moment of an electron orbiting around the central nucleus. Answer: Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron: In hydrogen — like atoms, an electron revolves around the nucleus. As shown in Fig. Equivalent current, According to right hand thumb rule, the direction of the magnetic dipole moment of the revolving electron will be perpendicular to the plane of its orbit and it the downward direction, as shown in Fig.
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    Dividing equation. Its value is 8. Bohr magneton: It is defined as the magnetic moment associated with an electron due to its orbital motion in the first orbit of hydrogen atom. Question 8. Derive an expression for work done in rotating a bar magnet in uniform magnetic field through 8 angle. Answer: Let a bar magnet of effective length 2l and of magnetic moment M be kept in uniform magnetic field B. When a bar magnet is rotated through some angle in the magnetic field then some work has to be done against moment of restoring couple. Question 9. Establish the expression for potential energy of a bar magnet placed in a uniform magnetic field. Or, it is the angle which a dip needle free to swing in the plane of the magnetic meridian makes with the horizontal. At the magnetic equator, the dip needle rests horizontally so that the angle of dip is zero at the magnetic equator.
  • MP Board Class 12th Physics Important Questions Chapter 5 Magnetism And Matter

    Can a body in linear motion be in equilibrium? Answer Answer: Yes, provided the vector sum of the forces acting upon the body is zero. Why are curved roads generally banked? Answer Answer: Curved roads are generally banked so as to help in providing centripetal force needed for motion of vehicles on the curved road. A person sitting in the compartment of a train moving with a uniform speed throws a ball in the upward direction. What path of the ball will appear to him? What to a person standing outside? Answer Answer: It will appear to fall in vertically downward direction to the person in the compartment and parabolic to a person standing outside.
  • Choose A Chapter From OpenStax College Physics

    The length of an ideal spring increases by 0. If this spring is laid on a frictionless horizontal table and bodies of 1 kg each are suspended from its ends, then what will be the increase in its length? Answer Answer: It would increase in length by 0. The two ends of a spring-balance are pulled each by a force of 10 kg-wt. What will be the reading of the balance? Answer Answer: 10 kg-wt. A retarding force is applied to stop a motorcar. If the speed of the motorcar is doubled, how much more distance will it cover before stopping under the same retarding force? A lift is accelerated upward. Will the weight of person inside the lift increase, decrease or remain the same relative to its real weight? If the lift is going with uniform speed, then? Answer Answer: Apparent weight will increase. When lift is going up with uniform speed, apparent weight will be same as real weight Q.
  • Chapter 5 - Applying Newton's Laws - Problems - Exercises - Page 164: 5.60

    A ball of 0. Find the change in momentum of the ball. A body is suspended from the ceiling of a transparent cabin falling freely towards the earth. Describe the motion of the body as observed by an observer a sitting in the cabin, b standing on the earth. Answer Answer: a The body will appear stationary in air, b The body will appear falling freely under the acceleration in air.
  • NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Physics Chapter 5

    Calculate the net force acting on a body of mass 10 kg, moving with a uniform velocity of 2 ms—1. Answer Answer: a As the action and reaction never act on the same body, so the motion is possible. Answer Answer: This statement is correct only so long as the friction is static friction. Upto the limiting friction, the force of friction is equal in magnitude and opposite to the applied force. What provides the centripetal force in the following cases? Answer Answer: It is provide by- i Electrostatic force of attraction between the electron and the nucleus.
  • Plus One Physics Chapter Wise Questions And Answers Chapter 5 Law Of Motion

    Can it be said to be in equilibrium? Answer Answer: a Yes, it can be said to be in equilibrium when it moves with uniform velocity as no acceleration i. Name the forces which are in equilibrium in each of the following situations : a a book resting on a table. Answer Answer: a Gravitational force on the book and a force of reaction of the table. A force of 5N changes the velocity of a body from 10 ms—1 to 20 ms—1 in 5s. How much force is required to bring about the same change in 2s. Sand is thrown on the tracks covered with snow why?
  • Chapter 5 - Circular Motion; Gravitation

    Answer Answer: Sand increases the friction. Why is it easier to maintain the motion than to start it? Answer Answer: As the dynamic friction is less than the force of limiting friction. Why are the wheels circular in shape? Answer Answer: Wheels convert the sliding friction to rolling friction Q. Rubber tyres are preferred to steel tyres, why? Answer Answer: Coefficient of friction between the rubber and road is smaller than that between the steel and road.
  • NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Physics Chapter 5 Laws Of Motion

    Chapter 1: Infrared Andromeda Galaxy M Barmby, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. This photo was taken at the Lisbon Zoo. Jin Jang. The head or ball of the patient's femur fits into a cup that has a hard plastic-like inner lining. Its wheels also spin rapidly—the latter completing many revolutions, the former only part of one a circular arc. The same physical principles are involved in each. Richard Munckton from Windsor, Melbourne, Australia original Chapter 7: How many forms of energy can you identify in this photograph of a wind farm in Sandesneben, Germany?
  • Lakhmir Singh Class X Physics Chapter 5 – Refraction Of Light

    Wikimedia Commons. Oz, Flikr original Chapter 9: On a short time scale, rocks like these in Australia's Kings Canyon are static, or motionless relative to the Earth. Tornadoes blow houses away as if they were made of paper and have been known to pierce tree trunks with pieces of straw. Location: Oklahoma 7 miles south of Anadarko. It also helps support the weight of this swimmer. Terren, Wikimedia Commons original Chapter Many fluids are flowing in this scene. Water from the hose and smoke from the fire are visible flows. Less visible are the flow of air and the flow of fluids on the ground and within the people fighting the fire. Explore all types of flow, such as visible, implied, turbulent, laminar, and so on, present in this scene. The thermal energy can be felt on exposed skin a few meters away, and its light can be seen for kilometers.
  • NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Physics Chapter 5 Magnetism And Matter

    O'Brien original Chapter a The chilling effect of a clear breezy night is produced by the wind and by radiative heat transfer to cold outer space. Chapter A steam engine uses heat transfer to do work. Dennis Adams original Chapter There are at least four types of waves in this picture—only the water waves are evident. There are also sound waves, light waves, and waves on the guitar strings. John Norton Chapter This tree fell some time ago. When it fell, atoms in the air were disturbed. Physicists would call this disturbance sound whether someone was around to hear it or not. B A Bowen Photography. The sliding motion stripped electrons away from the child's body, leaving an excess of positive charges, which repel each other along each strand of hair. Suzanne M. Day Chapter Electric energy in massive quantities is transmitted from this hydroelectric facility, the Srisailam power station located along the Krishna River in India, by the movement of charge—that is, by electric current.
  • NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Physics Chapter 5 - Law Of Motion

    Chintohere, Wikimedia Common original Chapter Electric circuits in a computer allow large amounts of data to be quickly and accurately analyzed.. Wind pushes the blades of the turbine, spinning a shaft attached to magnets. The magnets spin around a conductive coil, inducing an electric current in the coil, and eventually feeding the electrical grid. Daviddarom, Wikimedia Commons original Chapter Image seen as a result of reflection of light on a plane smooth surface. The image was produced using an electron microscope. Robert Scoble original Chapter he colors reflected by this compact disc vary with angle and are not caused by pigments. Colors such as these are direct evidence of the wave character of light. John Liu, Flikr original Chapter Special relativity explains why traveling to other star systems, such as these in the Orion Nebula, is unreasonable using our current level of technology. Department of Agriculture original Chapter Individual carbon atoms are visible in this image of a carbon nanotube made by a scanning tunneling electron microscope.
  • NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Physics Chapter 5

    Samantha A. The LHC is a particle accelerator, designed to study fundamental particles. Maximilien Brice, CERN original Chapter This galaxy is ejecting huge jets of matter, powered by an immensely massive black hole at its center. Kraft et al.
  • Plus One Physics Chapter Wise Questions And Answers Chapter 5 Law Of Motion - HSSLive

    The coin seems to be lifted up. Question What is the reason for this observation? Answer: As light from the coin comes from denser to rarer medium if bends away from normal so the position of the coin seems to be lifted up due to refraction. Draw a thick line on a paper using a pen. Place a glass over it and observe as suggested below. Look from one side as shown in Fig. The line seems to be rising on glass slab. The line seems to be the surface of glass slab. The line seems to be below the glass slab. Textbook Page No. What is the reason for the failure? The light rays from the coin comes from denser to rarer medium it bends away from the normal, So the position of coin seems to be lifted up due to refraction.
  • Physicsanswersfinn

    Find out more examples of refraction from daily life. Answer: The stars in the sky appear glittering We can see the sun when it falls below the horizon. The bottom of water appears raised. We cannot locate the position of fish in the water Question A person who looks at an aquarium as shown in Fig. What is the reason? What will be the angle of refraction when the refracted ray passes along the surface of water? Allow light to fall at an angle of incidence greater than the critical angle. What do you observe? Answer: The ray is reflected back to the same medium without undergoing refraction.
  • Chapter 4 Forces And The Laws Of Motion Answers

    Answer: What is the critical angle of glass? Answer: No. The critical angle of water You have already realized that total internal re-flection takes place only if the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle. The total internal reflection takes place when in the incident ray is more than Find out the practical applications of total internal reflection in our day to day life. Medical field — Endoscope 2. In the field of communication — Optical fiber cables. Answer: 1. In the field of treatment- In the endoscope 2. In the field of telecommunication, optical fiber cables are used here. Prism is used in the binoculars 4. Prism is used in the periscopes instead of mirrors. Textbook Page
  • Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Physics Solutions Chapter 5 Refraction Of Light

    ANS:- Light is a form of energy which affects our eyes to produce the sensation of vision. ANS:-An object becomes visible to us when the light after striking the object gets reflected and reaches our eyes. Light itself is not visible, but light makes object visible to us. Light is therefore a vital and useful requirement of our life. ANS:- The two natural source of light is sun,stars etc. ANS:- Two artificial sources of light are Electric bulb,candle etc. When light falls them then its all are visible. ANS:- Moon is not a luminous body.
  • Chapter 5 - Circular Motion; Gravitation | Giancoli Answers

    It has no light of its own. ANS:- The body that shines of its own is called a luminous object. ANS:- Luminous object. The object can be distinctly seen across a transparent medium. Examples:- Glass, air, water. Examples:- Tracing paper, waxed paper,greased paper. We cannot see the object through an opaque. Examples:- Butter paper, black paper etc. ANS:- A substance through which we cannot see light is called an opaque medium.
  • Chapter 5 Test Review | Physics Quiz - Quizizz

    Examples:- Wood,metals,butter paper etc. ANS:- A substance through which light passes is called a transparent substance. Example:- Glass, air etc. ANS:-NO, a transparent medium cannot form an image. All the light that passes through a transparent medium completely pass through the substance. For the formation of image it is said that the light rays get reflected through the surfaces.
  • Physics MCQs For Class 12 With Answers Chapter 5 Magnetism And Matter

    ANS:- Light travels in a straight line. This is called the rectilinear propagation of light. ANS:- Take three cardboards squares of equal size. Take a pin and make a small hole in each cardboards at the same height. This makes the three holes in a straight line. Place a lighted candle near one of the cardboards. Look at the candle flame from the other side of the other cardboard. The candle flame is clearly seen. Now slightly displace one of the cardboards so that the holes no longer remain in a straight line.
  • Chapter 5: Newton's Laws 2

    Again look at the candle flame from the other side of the any othe cardboard. Then you do not see the candle flame. The reason is that light travels in a straight line. So we can say that light travels in a straight line path called the rectilinear propagation of light. ANS:- The simple application of rectilinear propagation of light are pin hole camera,formation of shadows and elipses. ANS:- The two factors which affect the size of image formed in a pin hole camera are- The distance of the object in front of the pin hole. ANS:- The image obtained in a pin hole camera is inverted. The reason is that the light travels in straight line path. So light from the upper point of the candle passes through the pin hole and strikes the tracing paper in the lower point. Similarly light from the lower point of the candle passes through the pin hole and strikes the tracing paper at the upper point.
  • Giancoli 7th Edition, Chapter 11, Problem 5 | Giancoli Answers

    ANS:- If another pin hole is made near the first pin hole, two images are formed on the screen, one due to each of the two pin holes. If the holes are very close, the two images tend to overlap each other. As a result a blurred image will be seen. ANS:- A If the hole is bigger than pin hole a blurred image is seen.
  • Answers To Giancoli Physics 5th Edition Problems - PDF Physics

    The reason is that a bigger hole is equivalent to a large number of pinholes. Each pin hole produces one image. These images overlap each otherresulting in a blurred image. B if the object is moved towards the pin hole the size of the image incrases. Then the size of the images also increases. ANS:- When light falls on an opaque object,light is obstructed and a dark patch on a screen kept behind is called shadow. This is because light propagates in a straight line. If distance between object and screen is less the shadow will be dark and smaller. If the distance is increased shadow will be dim and larger.
  • Chapter 5 Friction

    ANS:- The difference between the umbra and penumbra is Umbra:- it is the portion of shadow where no light reaches from the source of light due to the opaque object. It is a completely dark. Penumbra:- It is the portion of shadow where the portion of light from the source of light reaches the shadow even in the presence of the opaque object in between them. It is not completely dark but is less bright.
  • Essential Physics Chapter 5 Review Answers

    ANS:- If the size of source of light is bigger than the size of the opaque object ,the size of umbra is very small. If the screen is moved away fom the object the umbra vanishes and only the penumbra remains. ANS:- We do not see the shadow of a bird flying high up in air because in their shadow the umbra is absent and the penumbra is large and faint so That it is not visible as the distance of screen is very large from the object. ANS:- Shadows are shorter at noon than in the morning because at noon the sun is directly overhead.
  • Answer Key Chapter 5 - University Physics Volume 1 | OpenStax

    So the sun rays fall vertically on the body. Hence the shadow is very short. In the morning and evening th sun rays fall in an inclined position. So the shadow are long. ANS:- Eclipses are the examples of formation o shadow in nature. There are two kinds of eclipses- 1. Lunar eclipses 2. Solar eclipses. Lunar eclipse is due to the formation of shadow of earth on moon and solar eclipse is due to the formation of shadow of moon on earth.
  • NCERT Solutions For Class 9th, 10th, 11th And 12th: Chapter-wise PDF

    Question 5. Give the magnitude and direction of the net force acting on a stone of mass 0. Neglect air resistance throughout. No force acts on the stone due to this motion. Therefore, the force on the stone is the same 1. It acts along the direction of motion of the train. One end of a string of length l is connected to a particle of mass m and the other to a small peg on a smooth horizontal table. Answer: i T The net force T on the particle is directed towards the centre. It provides the centripetal force required by the particle to move along a circle. A constant retarding force of 50 N is applied to a body of mass 20 kg moving initially with a speed of 15 ms How long does the body take to stop? A constant force acting on a body of mass 3. The direction of the motion of the body remains unchanged. What is the magnitude and direction of the force? Answer: Question 5. A body of mass 5 kg is acted upon by two perpendicular forces 8 N and 6 N.

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